Conflict resolution is the process by which two or more parties reach a peaceful resolution to a dispute.

Tips for Resolving Conflicts Effectively

  • Establish ground rules before the discussion
  • Identify the problem
    • Be specific
    • Focus on one issue at a time
  • Ensure both parties are calm
    • Request a break from the discussion if you start to escalate and respect other’s requests to take a break
    • Both parties should agree to do this when establishing ground rules
  • Utilize assertive communication skills
  • Utilize active listening skills
  • Avoid communication roadblocks: criticizing, stonewalling, defensiveness, ridiculing, generalizing
  • Be willing to compromise

Assertive Communication

Assertiveness is communicating your opinions, feelings, and needs in a way that is clearly understood by others without disrespecting their opinions, feelings, and needs. Learn more about assertive communication.

Active Listening Skills

  • Be attentive
    • Maintain good eye contact
    • Communicate that you are listening with a nods or verbal feedback
  • Don’t interrupt
  • Paraphrase what the speaker said
  • Validate their feelings/perspective
  • Ask clarifying questions if needed
  • Summarize


Reaching a peaceful resolution that both parties are in agreement with. This generally involves both parties making concessions.