The Counseling Center offers support groups, process groups, and workshops for students. Each group below has a description of the type of issues or concerns are best addressed by that group. This is to help you determine the group that would be a good fit for you. All of our groups are open to all students. If you do not see a group that meets your need, please reach out to the Counseling Center to speak with the Executive Director about your needs. There are no fees for any support group. All groups below are virtual until further notice. If you have an interest in another type of group we may provide or assist with, please contact us to discuss this with a counselor. Please note our group offerings are updated at the beginning of the fall and spring terms. Groups are only available to currently enrolled students.

Fall 2024 Support Groups

Groups are not running during the summer and will be updated closer to the start of the fall semester. Please check back mid-August. The majority of our support groups will be virtual for the spring. If you are interested in a group, you can request to participate through the button below. Once completed, the group leader will reach out to you shortly. Note that not all groups may be on the sign up link. If the group you are interested in is not there, please call our center at 205-348-3863 and ask to speak to the group leader. All groups run for 1 hour unless otherwise indicated.

Support Group Sign Up Request

True Colors: A Support Group for African American Identified Students and Blacks in the Diaspora as they Cope with a Time of Growth and Change

Group Leader: Fayth Hope
Group time: Every first Friday of the month at 4 p.m. This group will be held virtually through Zoom.
Group Description: The aim of this support group is to provide a haven and sounding board for students to voice their experiences navigating the campus environment as well as life in general as a person of color. This group will also explore and discuss the emotional and social health, role expectations, and inter-/intrapersonal relationships as a member of the Black community on campus while facing the challenges of anti-Blackness/Racism.

Coping with a time of growth and change: a support group for student members of the University community

Group Leader: Patrick Lewis
Group time: Fridays at 3:00 p.m. This group will be held virtually through Zoom
Group Description: This group will provide support for students and explore issues related to maintaining healthy relationship with self and others, feeling overwhelmed due to COVID-19, and other general areas of concern.

Grief and Loss Support Group.

Group Leader: Doris Vaughans and Sheila Calhoun
Group time: Monday at 3 p.m. at the HES-Alumni Room, Doster Hall
Group Description: This group is for anyone who is grieving due to the loss of family members and/or friends.  Come discover ways to manage your grief experiences and to find support and community with others who have also experienced a loss.

Success and growth in the US (international student workshop)

Group Leader: Nahree Doh
Group Location: 011 BB comer hall

Group time: Thursday  from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. starting September 19. Applications will be collected at 105 BB Comer hall on September 12 from 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Please complete the application form ( and the group agreement form ( to secure your spot. You will need to bring the application form for the orientation meeting on September 12.

Group Description: A 10 week workshop designed to facilitate international students’ adjustment, academic success and personal growth. This workshop will be conducted as a closed group of 5-8 members. Participants will have the opportunity to learn useful skills for a successful life in America, develop understanding of American culture and life, and explore their experiences of living and studying in America.

Thriving with my ADHD brain (ADHD workshop)

Group Leader: Deirdre Gilligan
Group time: Time TBD
Group Description: This is four session workshop to help students understand strengths and challenges that come with ADHD brain and to figure out ways to thrive with ADHD. This workshop will run as a closed group of up to 6 members and It is important to attend all four sessions to get the most out of the workshop. Advanced registration required ask your therapist or call the Counseling Center for details. Topics covered include 1. Understanding ADHD Brain, 2. Regulating Attention, 3. Regulating Emotion, and 4. Improving Time Management and Organizational Skills.

Body Kindness and Empowerment Group

Group Leader: Caitlin Geary and Katie Pedini
Group time: Wednesday at 1 p.m. in-person at Counseling Center.
Group Description: The Body Kindness and Empowerment Group is a support group to help any student who struggles with body image concerns. The group will discuss various sources of body image influences that they face daily while being supported in a safe space. This group aims to encourage body kindness and empower group members to challenge their mindset on how they view themselves and others. This is an open group and all are welcome!

LGBTQ+ Support Group

Group Leader: Meghan Wood
Group time: Tuesday at 2 p.m.
Group Description: This group is for anyone within the LGBTQ+ community who desires a space to feel heard and celebrated. We will meet weekly to build community, discuss relevant topics, and provide support to others.

Graduate Student Support Group

Group Leader: Caitlin Geary
Group time: Friday from 3:30 p.m. to 4:45 p.m. in the Grad Student Center office, Capital Hall Building, 270 Kilgore Lane. This group will start on January 21.
Group Description: This is a support group for graduate students who are struggling with the unique stressors of graduate school. This group provides students the opportunity to provide and seek support from other students who are going through similar circumstances and challenges.

Creative Stress Relief Group

Group Leader: Holly Prewitt and Susan Clements
Group time/Location: Fridays from 3:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.; Multi-Activity Room (MARS) room at the UA Recreation Center
Group Description: This workshop will focus on creative tools and strategies to help increase coping skills for stress.

TRANS Support Group

Group Leader: Jennifer Turner
Group time: Please call to speak to the group leader for more information.
Group Description: The TRANS Support Group is a space for individuals to share their experiences and create community in a welcoming, supportive environment. It is open to UA undergraduate, graduate, and professional students who identify as trans, transgender, gender queer, fluid, non-binary, FTM, MTF, Two Sprit, intersex, gender questioning and anyone who identifies outside their gender assigned at birth.