Emotional Intelligence (EI) is an aspect of two of eight “intelligences” that are now believed to exist. For many years academic or analytical intelligence, that which is measured by many “intelligence tests,” was seen as the only or best kind of intelligence. Psychologists now believe there are several forms of intelligence, including musical, bodily-kinesthetic, logical-mathematical, linguistic, spatial, naturalist, interpersonal, and intrapersonal. People vary on these dimensions of intelligence; all of us have strengths in some areas and limitations in others.

Author Daniel Goleman wrote his book Emotional Intelligence in 1995, which precipitated much interest in this topic. One definition of EI, offered by Jack Mayer, Ph.D. and Peter Salovey, Ph.D. (APA, 1999), is “the capacity to reason with emotion in four areas: to perceive emotion, to integrate it in thought, to understand it, and to manage it.” EI is coming to be seen as a critical aspect of successful interactions with people in many arenas of life. Business leaders are valuing this form of intelligence more and more. A recent internet search yielded nearly 13 million hits for the term Emotional Intelligence.

EI broadens what it means to be smart. When integrated as an important aspect of life it can improve your relations with others and make your work easier and more productive. Call the Counseling Center at 348-3863 to learn more.